Winter Donor Recognition Event

Sunday, January 29, 2017

EVEREVE - Ridgedale

Look for invitation from Donor Relations for this event. Contact for any questions regarding this event. What to expect at the event: Shopping Discount & Fashion Advice Food from Kona Grill Bring a guest

Katharine Phelps Feature

The Katharine Phelps Lifetime Achievement Award stems from a founding member of the Junior League of Minneapolis and its first president, Katharine Phelps. Learn more about Katharine Phelps and the JLM Lifetime Achievement Award named in her honor.

The Junior League of Minneapolis Joins the Mall of America and The Container Store for an Epic Fundraiser to Benefit Minneapolis Schools

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Shop, Save, Share is a unique fundraising event that The Junior League of Minneapolis hosts every year to raise funds and awareness of the League’s community programs and leadership. This year, however, the League has been fortunate to team up with the Mall of America and The Container Store – Edina for a two-week shopping extravaganza!

Backpack Buddies Feature

Backpack Buddies has been a community project for the Junior League of Minneapolis since 2008. This program provides students from food-insecure families with a take-home backpack filled with nutritious food for use over the weekend during the school year.

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Donec efficitur neque in risus vulputate, nec placerat lorem porttitor. Phasellus ligula libero, volutpat nec urna sed, pretium imperdiet dui. Vivamus efficitur vulputate tincidunt. Aenean ac est diam. Vivamus non massa laoreet, viverra quam id, convallis ipsum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id dictum sapien. Fusce eget porttitor quam. Nunc pharetra mauris. Integer porttitor neque tellus, vitae. Quisque maximus dui odio, ac auctor dolor facilisis vitae. Sed nisl odio, ultricies a felis vel, aliquam efficitur ante.

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Etiam vehicula diam in velit tristique, eu egestas neque auctor. Curabitur consequat ut purus in porta. Maecenas ligula ex, facilisis quis urna in, ultricies convallis mi. Aenean rhoncus risus nec libero hendrerit vestibulum.